The Mighty Onion Prepared with Acorn Squash and Yogurt

It’s hard to pinpoint just one reason to love the onion!


Eating onions gives more to our lives than simply flavor to our food. Incorporating onions into our diet can alter the course of major disease, such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and most forms of cancer. Beneficially effecting a staggering multitude of other diseases and disorders including cataracts, cardiovascular disease as well as cancer of the breast, colon, ovarian, gastric, lung, and bladder while helping to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease and stroke. You can see that the onion is mighty, in deed!

The richest dietary source of quercitin, onion holds a powerful antioxidant flavonoid that has been shown to thin the blood, lower cholesterol, ward off blood clots, and fight asthma, chronic bronchitis, hay fever, diabetes, atherosclerosis and infections. Onions antioxidants and amino acids allow your body to function optimally, help prevent damage and are used in virtually every vital function in the body. Oh that’s all? No, there’s more.

“Onions are excellent at killing cancer cells.” Published recently in Food Research International, “Onions activate pathways that encourage cancer cells to undergo cell death. They promote an unfavorable environment for cancer cells and inhibit growth by disrupting communication between cancer cells.”

“Altering dietary habits may be a practical and cost-effective means of reducing cancer risk and modifying tumor behavior. Approximately 30–40% of cancers are preventable by appropriate food and nutrition, physical activity, and maintenance of healthy body weight.” Said in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health research article: ‘Garlic and onions: Their cancer prevention properties’ published in 2015. Summarizing that, “Mechanistic studies provide compelling evidence that garlic, onions, and their (stinky) sulfur components alter the biological behavior of tumors, tumor microenvironments, or precancerous cells, and decrease cancer risk.”

Do you smell breakthrough? Onions pungent smelling sulfur compounds are actually a powerful detox element which help the body to release toxins, especially from the liver. Foods naturally high in sulfur also help the body detox itself of heavy metals and other dangerous toxins. Damage to DNA caused by environmental toxins is thought to be the cause of most cancer. Eating organic, local sustainable food never sounded better!

“Organic conditions boost flavonoids and antioxidant activity in onions” said the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in a study published on June 14, 2017. They went on to say, “organic foods contain more health-benefiting phytochemicals.” Now, researchers have found that flavonoid levels and antioxidant activity in organic onions are higher than in conventional onions. Their investigation, in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, is the longest-running study to address the issue.

An organic onion a day? A study conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that eating a teaspoon of fresh garlic and a half cup of onions per day increases the levels of a key enzyme for removing toxins in the blood cells. As told by FOX News, “eating onions can get your blood sugar-and your weight-on the right track. So here is a simple, powerful health-enhancing recommendation: Eat an onion every day. One medium-sized onion equals approximately one cup of onion when chopped.”

In addition, other factors including the gut microbiome, may also influence responses, giving last weeks blog post about gut-boosting Okra something more to think about.

You see, organic onions are an essential ingredient, to the flavor of wellness through-out our life.  The taste of a good life, absent from disease is the most savored quality offered up in the onion. So next time you start to cry over an onion, let them be tears of joy! Breakthrough is yours.

“It’s hard to imagine civilization without onions.”
— Julia Child

Acorn Squash with Onions and Yogurt


  • 1 acorn squash, halved, seeded and cut into 8 wedges
  • 1 medium onion, cut into 8 wedges
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • Coarse salt and ground pepper
  • ½ cup Aris plain sheep’s milk yogurt
  • 2 teaspoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • ¼ cup loosely packed fresh mint leaves


  1. Preheat over to 375. On a rimmed baking sheet, toss squash and onion with oil; season with salt and pepper. Roast until squash is tender, 30-35 minutes.
  2. In a small bowl, combine yogurt and lemon juice. Transfer squash and onion to a serving plate. Top with yogurt and mint.
  3. Serve with a refreshing glass of mint green tea or lemon water..


Give thanks… and enjoy!

Onion Preparation & Storage TIPS:


Onions are healthy raw & cooked, though raw onions have higher levels of organic sulfur compounds that provide many benefits, according to the BBC. A 2005 study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that there is a high concentration of flavonoids in the outer layers of onion flesh, so you’ll want to be careful to remove as little of the edible part of the onion as possible when peeling it. Never microwave your antioxidant-rich foods since the process decreases the antioxidant content by more than 75% in just one minute.


Best not to leave an onion cut open in the fridge because it will absorb bacteria. Either use the whole onion, or buy a variety of small, medium and large onions to have on hand; and use accordingly.  Sage Mountain Farm CSA box shares typically include a variety of sizes in a season, seeing to it that in my kitchen, an onion never goes to waste. However, once an onion is in a salad in a sealed container, it is safe and can be eaten at a later time.

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Together, let’s get healthy!

To be engaged in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), offers you a chance to share in a sustainable small farm’s hand picked, certified organic seasonal daily harvest.  There truly is a difference in taste, quality and variety! 

Let’s make small farms in our region stronger and profitable, for theirs is a labor of love. Support your local small farm and become a CSA member today!

The Kitchen Sink Smoothie

This smoothie has everything but the kitchen sink! Quick, easy & delicious!

  • Smoothies Super Charge your body
    with essential vitamins & minerals!
  • Make weight loss easier, build muscle &
    improve physical performance.
  • Give your hair, skin & nails a radiant glow.
  • Detox harmful chemicals that
    bombard us on a daily basis &
    ensure excellent digestion.
  • Nutritious disguised in tasty so kids love them!


Use the fruit & greens that came in your Sage Mountain Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) box.
Pull out whatever other fruit you have, cut it up and add it to the blender.


Add juice.

Juice Options: • Organic fresh squeezed orange juice • Coconut milk • Almond milk
• Water • Fruit juice blend (I like Bolthouse) or • Green Tea

Grind up a variety of  Seeds & Nuts
Add a few tablespoons or more into the mix.

For a boost of: antioxidants, key proteins, vitamins, minerals, good fats & fiber

  • Flax seeds (a top potent superfood)
  • Raw pumpkin seeds (the only seeds that are alkaline-forming & helps fight depression)
  • Raw sunflower seeds (boosts energy & immunity)
  • Sesame seeds (burns fat, boosts nutrient absorption, balances hormones)
  • Raw almonds (as much calcium as milk!),
  • Raw walnuts (supports brain health),
  • Raw pecans (contain more than 19 vitamins & minerals, boosts brain, heart and bone health)
  • Hazelnuts (rich in energy, heart, brain & skin)
  • Pine Nuts (appetite suppressant, slows the aging process)
  • Brazil Nuts (helps with weight loss, stimulates cell growth & repair, improves digestion & immunity, balances hormones, boosts male fertility & reduce signs of aging)

*Tip: If you don’t have a Nutribullet, use your coffee grinder. To clean, use uncooked white rice and grind.


Add a Protein Booster

I use a collagen (bone broth) powder. It’s incredible for your joints, hair, skin, & nails.

*You can also add: Matcha green tea powder, Maca powder, Camu camu, Cacao powder, Hemp protein powder, or Grass-fed whey. There are so many choices at your local health food store!

Top off with frozen berries or ice.

Blend & enjoy!

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local, small, certified organic farm.

Organic Farm Fresh Vegetable Soup with Lentils

Where Does Your Food Come From?

Not all vegetables are created equal. It’s a fascinating exploration getting to know our food and the relationship it has with wellness, disease and our taste buds!

I’ve always loved the simplicity of what I thought farm life was like. Deep inside me I knew there was something special that had been lost in my generation and the greater culture at large. Farming and the delicacy of what it takes to produce truly good, live organic sustainable food is an enigma sadly lost in the translation of our culture. We aren’t taught, so those of us who know have a responsibility to teach and reach out in support of local organic sustainable small farms.

Today in my Sage Mountain Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) box, I see beautifully colored & shaped varieties of summer squash, eggplant, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, Anaheim peppers, okra, Valencia oranges, nectarines, Gala apples, and tomatillo de Milpa.

Many exciting ways to prepare these delightfully fun veggies come to mind!

As I ponder the options, my cherry tomatoes are slowly being devoured as I pop them whole. They are my favorite sweet treat! Usually I will save half the basket for my salads but I remember reading that the process of cooking tomatoes boosts their nutritional levels of potent antioxidant lycopene. Having recently come down with a cold, I decide to make a warm nutritious bowl of comfort food and fashion a farm to table vegetable soup with my Sage Mountain Farm CSA box. On the menu tonight….

Farm Fresh Organic Vegetable Soup with Lentils

• Slice 1 cup cherry tomatoes in half
Chop the following into bite sizes:
• 1 zucchini
• 1 crookneck squash
• 1 celery stalk, thinly sliced
• 3 baby potatoes, with skin
• 1 onion
• 3 spring onion
• 6 cloves of garlic crushed or pressed & left to sit for 10 min. Then soak in 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil and set aside.
• 2 tablespoons Grass-fed bone broth
• 1 avocado, sliced
• 1 box of Organic Hearty Lentil Vegetable Soup

I have left over lentils in the fridge (cooked in onion & garlic) that I’m adding for a boost of minerals.*Lentils pack a ton of nutrition! They give you iron with energy to burn, stabilize blood sugar and are high in protein.

1. Heat 2 tablespoon broth in medium soup pot. Sauté onion in broth over medium heat for 5 minutes; stirring frequently.
2. Add 1 box of organic hearty lentil vegetable soup, 1 cup lentils, and your fresh, local organic veggies to the pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce to low and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the garlic olive oil mixture into your soup. Continue to simmer for 5 minutes, until your farm fresh organic vegetables are tender.
3. Top with sliced avocado.
4. Season with freshly ground Himalayan salt & pepper.

Give thanksand enjoy!

To be engaged in Community Supported Agriculture, offers you a chance to share in the farms hand picked daily harvest. There truly is a difference in taste, quality and variety. Let’s make small farms in our region stronger and profitable, for theirs is a labor of love. Support your local small farm and become a CSA member today!

Visit for more information about our farm!

Together, let’s get healthy!